Well, it has been a year since I climbed up on the sheep. It is very hard to believe that a year has passed. I'm ashamed to reveal that for an entire year, my total stash numbers have not gone down much.
It has been a productive year in knitting and weaving, but it has also been productive on the spinning side as well. This month I finished:
Starting total for June: 108,781 yards
Yardage purchased: 0
Yardage received as gift: 0
Yardage purchased: 0
Yardage received as gift: 0
Yardage destashed: 0
Yardage used in finished projects: 1,008 yards
Ending total for June: 107,773 yards
Ending total for June: 107,773 yards
And here are my annual totals:
Starting total: 108,649 yards
Yardage purchased: 4,556 yards
Yardage received as gifts and stash exchange: 3,642 yards
Yardage destashed: 2,862 yards
Yardage used in finished projects: 8,784 yards (not including hand spun)
Ending total: 105,201 yards*
Cold Sheep conclusions:
I definitely have had a change in my buying habits (i.e., lusting after yarnie goodness). I think I have realized that there is always going to be yarn for purchasing and that I don't need to buy like the stuff is going away like the dinosaurs. I think that I'm well padded and am enjoying the yarn I have in my stash and that I will slowly make my way through the yardage as patterns catch my eye.
My new goals are to spin to knit and weave so I believe my yarn purchasing mojo will be greatly reduced except for some exotic and hard to come by fiber. To prevent going to crazy town, I'm restricting myself to only in person purchases at fiber events.
It has been a revelation to be on the sheep so to speak and I think I will be a life long sheep rider and will keep track of my stash yardage but not stress to much about it.
*Found some additional yardage not counted in the monthly totals throughout the year when reviewing everything for the entire year.
*Found some additional yardage not counted in the monthly totals throughout the year when reviewing everything for the entire year.