Friday, September 30, 2016

Margarita Napkins Off the Loom

The margarita napkins are off the loom.
I had very little waste at the end.
Although weaving at the last napkin was tough, I was able to finesse it finished.

Next up is zigzagging the edges, then a wash, then cutting apart, and finally hemming the ends.

I will have dinner napkins soon.


  1. Hi Margaret! I'm curious, what technique are you using to end up with so little loom waste?

  2. Hi Valerie. I have found that using a 20% waste calculation and the dressing with string on the loom lets me have very little waste. For these napkins, I followed the pattern instructions on the length of the warp for 12 napkins, but I was able to get 13 napkins out of the warp at the end. We can chat off line about it in more depth if you like.

  3. Cool! I might email the next time I attempt to dress my loom... :)

  4. Cool! I might email the next time I attempt to dress my loom... :)
