Sunday, August 30, 2009

First Fiber Sale

Today I made my first fiber sale.  I had started a web store at to sell some of my handspun yarn and any other handmade item that I created.  I had listed 4 items in my store but made my sale at home.  Yesterday, I had spinning friends come over to spin, chat, and eat.  One of my friends fell in love with my "pants on fire" yarn and wanted to purchase it.  After some discussions with my more experienced spinning friends, pricing for handspun yarn should be between $5 to $7 per ounce plus the cost of the fiber.  For these 2 ounces, that would have amounted to about $24/skein.  I had listed 2 ounce skeins of yarn on my artfire store for $10 each.  I sold two of the skeins to my friend for $10 each honoring the price on my store and after some more discussions, I don't think I would pay more than that for 2 ounces of yarn.  My friend stated that should would have paid $15 for each skein.  Good information to know.

Here is "Pants on Fire"
This is "Snow Days"

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