Friday, July 15, 2016

Black Sheep Gathering Goodies

I didn't make it up to Black Sheep this year but Jeri went and got some goodies for me.

The biggest get was fleeces - three to be exact.

Mr. Cool, who I spoke about last year as the fleece that got away.  His was a very big fleece.
He has three different colors and his locks are beautiful.
Jeri washed up a bit and the white is a silver white, then there is a light silver and a darker grey.
We separated the fleece into three distinct piles.
The white will be sent to Morro Bay for processing and to be blended with era silk.  Jeri will wash the silver and grays for hand processing.

Then two more from the same flock - Luna and Tulip.

Luna was a bit lighter than black.
Tulip was much darker.
Tulip will also be sent for processing and blended with black silk.

Luna will be processed without any silk.

My assignment will be to weave a scarf for John, Mr. Cool's dad.  Jeri will be knitting a shawl for Mr. Cool's mom.  These are the colors for the scarf.
The light tan color is some left over fleece in Jeri's stash, but the colors look great together.  I can't wait to get my hands on the clean fleece.

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