Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Day I Should Have Stayed in Bed

I spent a wonderful day yesterday hanging with my peeps spinning, talking about awesome fiber events and having a great lunch.  It was so cool to see our wheels all together.
We have three HansenCrafts mSpinners in different woods and two Pocket wheels.

It was a great day and there was no rain in sight.  I also stayed after and had dinner with Jan and her husband at the Cafe Athena which is always delicious.

I had such plans for today and since the forecast was all day rain, I figured I would get all my laundry done and spend the day sewing.

I "broke" my sewing machine before I left for Colorado and took it in for service at the Sew Hut.  They called before I came home to let me know the machine was fixed.

I picked up the machine earlier in the week and had it sitting in my craft room.  After I started my laundry, I decided to get sewing and when I plugged the machine in, everything was in Spanish.  I also got no love or power from my foot pedal so no go on the sewing.....

I then took out my hot water thermos which heats water and dispenses it and keeps it heated all day.  It was the maiden voyage and after filling the reservoir, I turned the sucker on.

When I went back to check about 10 minutes later, my entire counter was full of water and water was dripping onto the floor.  Needless to say, I had a lot of mopping to do.

The only thing that was accomplished today was laundry.  It also threatened rain all day, but it is still dry so far.

I'm ready to go back to bed.  A day I thought would be so productive was a dud.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I know what you mean. I don't like it either when it happens. At least nobody ate any yarn!
