Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fieldwork and Dog Return

With the Federal budget passing, money was freed up for travel again so I packed a full two weeks to catch up on some work in Northern California.  It was good to have a change of scenery after two weeks living for 4 dogs.  You can see that Bailey can't wait to be alone again.
I stopped in Los Angeles to return the dogs and I'm pretty sure they were very happy to be home.  I think two dogs are plenty work.  Sophia was so excited that she panted in my ear the entire 2 hour drive.

The weather was fabulous for the drive up to San Francisco and it was clear and sunny until I got over the Grapevine where I could see a haze of brown - I'm not sure it the photo does it justice.
When I got closer to the bay area, I saw all the wind turbines.  It was calm so none of them were spinning.
The weather was very warm for January so it was nice for my thin blood.  It did get pretty cold at night and I was bundled up to keep warm.

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