Monday, January 17, 2011

Fine Spinning with Judith MacKenzie

Another technique I learned from Judith MacKenzie at the espinner retreat in Forks, WA was how to spin fine yarn.

When I first started spinning, I had a problem with the fiber clumping in my hand and the twist entering the clump and then I became frustrated.  I solved this problem by stripping the prepared top I had into very thin strips and pre-drafting the top by pulling and separating the fiber.  I believed this would help me avoid the twist entering the fiber in my hand.  It worked reasonably well for me but sometimes the fiber got away from me and I had to rethread my orifice. I also noted that my "fine" singles were not uniform due to my drafting and holding technique.

When I got the top to spin from Judith, I started my usual routine of stripping the top.  Judith interrupted me and stated I didn't need to do that.  She then proceed to demonstrate a better way to spin fine uniform singles.

I was totally blown away and since I wasn't able to video her doing it, I figured I would video myself doing her technique to share with you.  This technique by itself without all the other awesome instruction and demonstrations was worth the price of admission!
What I didn't know - and I learned it from Judith - is that top is carded on very wide machines.  The thin layers of top are then folded on itself over and over again so you get the end product that you see when you purchase top (the wound hanks of fiber).  If you try, you can open up the hank and spread it out by continuing to open up the hank until you get a thin flat layer.

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