Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cone Head Baby Steps

After another visit to Dr. Alex to check on the stitches in the healing ear - Pepper got upgraded to a "soft" cone.  I think her head looks like flower now.
She definitely likes it better than that hard plastic one she got at the ER.
Within 15 minutes of getting home, she has already flipped the cone so it acts like a poncho instead.  She is so proud!

Another week before the rest of the stitches come out and she will be back to her mischievous self.


  1. That is so funny - and she does look like a flower with pretty blue petals! I'm glad she's got a more flexible collar and I hope those coyotes can't jump the fence!

  2. Glad to hear Pepper is healing well. I'm sure everyone in the household will enjoy it when she finally gets to go cone-less.
