Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sleying the Reed

So after getting all my stuff together, I attempted to sley my reed - taking each strand of warp yarn and placing them in the slots of the reed.  My reed has 12 dents per inch.

First problem - when I wound the warp, I didn't have 60 strands of each color.  As I said in my previous post, I attempted this warp a few years back and I made a error in the length.  So I "used" up some of the length of yarn as not to have enough to wind a completely new warp.

So I ended up with 50 strands of the brown and 70 strands of the green.  Since the pattern calls for 12 of each color alternating, I needed to come up with a different pattern.
Here is what I ended up with after having to draw everything out on graph paper - groups of 10 instead of 12 starting and ending with green.  I had 10 strands of green left which I halved and added to each end.
Whew!  The reed is now sleyed!  Next up is threading the heddles.

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