Saturday, January 4, 2014

In Between Cambodia

We left Phnom Penh and headed to Siem Reap, we made a few stops along the way.  The distance was not great at all but the roads were limited paved roads in between lots of dirt roads.  I was afraid the shocks on the little van we were in were going to go out.  It took six hours to get from one place to the other.  We did see quite a bit of farm land.
We were able to stop first at the spider market which was interesting yet disturbing.  I guess protein in what ever form is welcome.
Here is the actual live spider.
There were other bug delicacies.
There were also multiple fruit stands.
And some little birds.
This was the only pit stop with a squat toilet that I saw in this country.

Also we stopped to see the Kompong Kdei Ancient Bridge.
The water was very brown.
We ended up at our hotel - New Angkorland Hotel and it had all this artisan wood carvings.  Everyone room had carved doors as well as head boards on the beds.  It was beautiful.
I also saw a papaya tree in person as well.

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